Synthetic Grass Perth- Hints and Tips

Like most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to install your synthetic grass. Here are some hints and tips for ensuring your synthetic grass looks it’s very best. 

Return to our artificial grass page for pricing and specs.

Choosing the right synthetic grass for your area

Different areas look better with different synthetic grass choices. When choosing the best synthetic grass for your area, there are a few things worth considering.

  • How big your area is.

  • If your area is mostly in sun or shade.

  • if you will be viewing your synthetic grass from far away or close up.

  • What plants will be planted near your synthetic grass.

synthetic grass perth natural

As an example to combine these considerations, laying synthetic grass over a large area at the rear of the yard, in an area that receives a lot of sun and is surrounded by water-wise Australian native plants, you may consider installing a lighter coloured synthetic grass that has a more prominent tan thatch, for a more natural looking synthetic grass Perth.

synthetic grass perth terrace

Alternatively, if you are installing synthetic grass on a balcony where you will be viewing it up close only, or laying synthetic grass in a small area that is surrounded by a lot of tropical plants, you may consider installing a synthetic grass that is a darker, more consistent green.

Installing your directional synthetic grass

You would be forgiven for not realising that synthetic grass is directional- that is, that the process of manufacture means that when viewed from the side, the yarns sit on a bias, rather than pointing straight up.

artificial grass harmony natural side view

directional synthetic grass perth

Because of the directional properties, synthetic grass will look different when viewed from different angles- that is, whether you are looking into the blades or along the blades.

When installing your synthetic grass, it is important that you consider where you will be viewing the grass from, or if from all directions, from which point you want the grass to look the most natural. Synthetic grass looks most natural when looking into the blades.

Additionally, it is most important when installing your synthetic grass that any time two pieces of grass are laid side by side, or joined, that both pieces run the same way- which brings us to our next tip.

Cutting out your synthetic grass pieces

When measuring how much synthetic grass you will need for your area, it is a little trickier than measuring a square metre measurement of the area and ordering a square meterage. You will need to remember you are ordering from a fixed width roll, that the synthetic grass is directional, that you ideally want as few joins as possible, and therefore you need to think of your order in terms of a lineal metre measurement.

Consider the area below:

Synthetic turf perth measuring guide

While it may be tempting to use an off cut for a small section by turning the off cut around, any piece laid with the grass blades running a different way will stick out, and you will not achieve a seamless look. When measuring your area for synthetic grass, first choose what direction the grass will run in, then measure your lengths that will be required from the roll of synthetic grass.

Keep the plants

Synthetic grass always looks better when surrounded by plants. Plants near your grass will soften the area and draw the eye up, so rather than the focus being on the grass, instead the grass becomes a backdrop to the garden.

Return to our page on artificial grass for pricing and specs.